Tuesday, 23 January 2018

Library of thoughts

A lot of stoic (or Stoic) advocates advise keeping a journal, like Marcus Aurelius.

It doesn't have to be public (like a blog), or shared, or even - I suggest - written in a diary.

It can be a set of post-its, keep notes, evernote things...

One thing I do, and I find useful, is taking the emails from the Daily Stoic and filing them in a folder.

Then, in an idle five minutes over breakfast, I pick one at random on my phone and re-read it. Three times.

And this gives me something to focus on that day. And the next. And the next.

And I tick that "Read Daily Stoic email" task off my to-do list on Google Keep for the day, and get on with using the day to do more and be better.

Thursday, 11 January 2018

Everyone's a critic

You will be criticised.

You will be blamed.

You will be lambasted.

So what?

They could have said things so much worse about you.

If they only knew, eh?!

Be thankful that you now know what they think of you.

So what?

Doesn't your opinion of you matter?

Friday, 5 January 2018

Do the work

Nothing is to be taken for granted except that things will happen.

Accept this. No, love this. Amor fati.

What has happened, has happened. Now you must work to make what you can control be the best it can be.

And what can you control?

Your reaction. Your actions. You.

Do the work to get the results you desire.