Saturday, 24 February 2018

Be thankful

For what you've got.

It's easy to keep wanting new things, more things, better things.

But look around you - you are alive, and that is such a precious thing.

It could all end tomorrow, so live life to the fullest with what you have.

Friday, 9 February 2018


It's easy to waste time.

So why waste it?

You know that you are wasting time.

You know that the thing you are doing isn't you doing your best, by yourself or others, and it isn't making you a better person.

So stop doing, and do something more productive instead.

Thursday, 1 February 2018


People say hurtful things sometimes.

Do they really hurt? Or are they just words that filled the air for the blink of an eye.

Move on. You have more important work to do.