Wednesday, 28 March 2018

Just the job

So, there you are... all ready for it.

Yes, it's a job interview. Your palms are getting sweaty, your throat dry, beads of sweat are starting to form on your forehead...


No, just stop.

What is it you are worrying about?

It's not really about the job, is it?

It's about what they think of you.

You are worried that they won't think you are good enough.

So what? What do their opinions matter? Why are you setting so much store by them?

What is your opinion of yourself? Shouldn't that matter more?

Focus on becoming the best you that you can be, not pretending to be a you that you are not just to try to sway someone else's opinion.

You can't control that, but you can control your own actions and reactions.

Sunday, 18 March 2018

Do that thing

Did you ask something of someone and get an unfavourable reaction?

Maybe they said no to you, when you really hoped they'd say yes.

So you lost out?


Did you ask for the right reasons? Did you feel that it was the right thing to do?

So you've gained, not lost.

Not only have you stuck to the principle of doing the right thing, you have lived it and shown it.

You control your reaction, not the action of another.

Be thankful that what happened has happened, learn from it and act on it.

Amor fati.

Tuesday, 6 March 2018

Ticked off? Just do it

Want motivation?

What are you waiting for? Someone to tell you what to do next?

But you know what to do next. You could write a list of all the things you need to do!

So do it.

Yes, write down - physically, pen and paper - ten things you need to, want to, do this week.

Make it a bit easier for yourself, make one thing a gift: "Make a to-do list", and tick that item off.

Now, make sure you work through the list, and tomorrow review it, and update it, and even note what you did and jot down why you didn't do the other stuff.

Do this every day, until it becomes such a habit you miss it when you don't do it first thing in a morning and review it every night.

Just do it. Now.