Tuesday, 22 May 2018

Have a little faith

Why do you think you will "fail"?

What is so wrong about "failing", anyway?

It's an opportunity to learn, to progress, to improve.

If you don't try, you will never know.

Others may mock, but you have achieved, while they have not. You have learned, you have progressed, you have improved.

What have they done?

Isn't it better to aim high and fall short than to aim low and hit the target?

Thursday, 17 May 2018

Finding fault

Sometimes it's hard to bite your tongue when you see someone's shortcomings.

But try, because you have them, too.

In fact, you've got *loads* of them.

Thank goodness that when someone criticises you they don't know how many faults you really have!

Tuesday, 8 May 2018


You always have a choice.

You choose how to react to what happens, no-one tells you how to respond.

So don't be pushed around, choose your response to events. Welcome them, however bad they feel, because without them you wouldn't have the chance to choose at all, would you?