Wednesday, 7 November 2018

On course

It's all about knowing where you are going.

If you don't know where you are going, how will you tell if you are on the right path?

Or even if you don't know which road you are travelling, how can you tell if it is the right one for you?

Saturday, 3 November 2018

Letting things go

Sometimes you will let things go.

Not let things go as in "get over them", but as in fall out of your routine and stop doing the things that you really should, and that you want to, and that you know you could but... well...

It's easy to find reasons, excuses or general "life got in the way" type of justifications as to why you stopped - whether that being stopping blogging, stopping reading regularly, stopping meeting up with friends, whatever it is you promised yourself you were going to make a part of your daily/weekly ritual.

But it doesn't matter - what matters is getting back on top of it, and recognising that you can do better.

Keep going. If it means starting again, start again. It's the not starting that is the problem.